We know you can’t wait to level up those skills you have on World of Warcraft. You have enchanting and you can’t wait to be able to enchant your armor and weapons. You can also put those enchantments on a scroll and sell them at the auction house. You will be surprise at how much certain enchantments sell for. First of all, you need to learn a bit of information about those professions. The World of Warcraft profession guide I am going to point you towards will help you with that.
For instance, Mining will go with Engineering, Blacksmithing or Jewelcrafting. Herbalism goes with Alchemy and Skinning goes with Leatherworking. No, you do not have to have them in that order. You also have Mining and Engineering. Enchanting and Blacksmithing, Alchemy and Herbalism. Again, you do not have to follow those, I am just trying to give you some ideas. Take a look at the wow profession guide.